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Growing Helleborus Magnificent Bells: perennial cut flower with year-round charm

Part of the HilverdaFlorist assortment is cut flower Helleborus variety Magnificent Bells. This Hellebore can be grown year round as a cut flower, offering well filled stems of green/white blooms. This variety performs well as both exclusive filler in bouquets and mono flower bouquets.


Benefits of growing Helleborus Magnificent Bells

As its name suggests, Magnificent Bells is a remarkable flower. The branches offer lots of flowers, length and a great vase life of up to three weeks. The flowers hanging down, with beautiful stamens, create a magical yet natural effect. Its possible to grow this Helleborus year round in cool conditions. In warmer climates, you can grow and harvest from autumn to spring (depending on the region). Magnificent Bells has a perennial life cycle and can be grown up to 4 – 5 years.


Key factors in growing

What are the most important things to know before growing Magnificent Bells? We list them for you.

  • Greenhouse. A cool greenhouse or plastic tunnels are very suitable for growing Magnificent Bells. Even outdoor cultivation is optional in cooler climates, but keep in mind that the plants have to be kept frost-free and can be protected from harsh sunlight.
  • Heating. Not needed. In general: Hellebore is a energy friendly plant not requiring heating.
  • First harvest. 4 to 6 months after planting is the average time for the first harvest.
  • Life cycle. Perennial up to 4 – 5 years. Year round flowering in mild climates, flowering from mid autumn to mid spring in warmer climates.
  • Plant timing. In milder and moderate climates, planting can be done all year round. For regions with more extreme summers and winters, we recommend to plant your Magnificent Bells in spring, for harvesting 5 – 6 months later.
  • Plant density. Approx. 6 – 8 plants per square meter. Can be grown in both pots or in beds.
  • Netting. Netting is not necessary. It’s optional to place wires above the rows to support longer stems.
  • Pincing. Not needed.
  • PGR’s. This is optional to reach more stem length.
  • Media, soil analysis & climate. Download our growing manual to see all details.
  • Harvest. Harvest with a minimum of 3 open flowers per stem. Cut deep to enable new shoots to make length and good quality. Never cut away leaves after harvesting.

Keep in mind that these are general guidelines, for personal advice always contact our team.

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After harvesting Magnificent Bells

For optimum shelf life, we recommend storing Magnificent Bells in a cool, disinfected container out of the sun after harvesting. Add chlorine to the water in the container. Store and ship the flowers at 5 – 15°C.


Magnificent Bells in floral works

With your Helleborus Magnificent Bells, you can hit the market with a unique and versatile flower. Especially in winter, this flower is loved for floral arrangements. From magical bridal work to beautiful mono flower bouquets, Magnificent Bells is an all-rounder.

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Is Helleborus Magnificent Bells the product you are looking for? Our team is happy to advise you. Please contact your Area Sales Manager to learn more.