HilverdaFlorist introduces new Garvinea Series and unique red Salvia during IPM
During IPM HilverdaFlorist will introduce a complete new Garvinea Garden Gerbera Series and an unique red Salvia. Be the first to see these magnificent plants during IPM and visit our stand in hall 2 C11. In our stand in hall 1 A24 you get the full experience of our pot, patio and garden assortment.
New series Garvinea Cheeky
The Garvinea Cheeky series is complete new in the garden gerbera assortment. Garvinea Cheeky has a compact crop and shows it’s cheeky mini flowers from Spring till Frost. The series consists of four strong colours; Magenta, Orange, Red and Yellow. The strong Garvinea genetics is the basis of this uniform plant. Don’t be misled by the cuteness, because this flower powerhouse will not stop flowering.

Unique Red Salvia Strawberry Lake
HilverdaFlorist introduces a unique red Salvia in the Salgoon Series; Strawberry Lake. This sensational new variety is as versatile as it is beautiful. Strawberry Lake is a vigorous plant with great foliage and many vibrant flowers. The strong red, with a magenta touch, calyxes retains its colours and the Salvia keeps on growing without pruning stems. Strawberry Lake is the perfect colourful addition for the Salgoon Series. This series is based on the same strong genetics, grows uniform and has a heavy bloom set. The Salvia Salgoon series is a great choice for gardens and patio containers.

There is more…
This year you can hardly miss us because HilverdaFlorist has two stands. In hall 1 A24 you’ll get the full garden, patio and pot plant experience based on our complete assortment. Our annuals and perennials complement each other and create a stunning display in every setting.
Make sure you stop by hall 2 C11 to be the first to see our new introductions and other successful series like the Echinacea Mooodz, Alstroemeria Inticancha, Hellebore and Dianthus Beauties, Flow and Sunflor.
We’re looking forward to seeing you at IPM!