HilverdaFlorist presents Pot, Patio & Garden assortment for 2025 – 2026
New, high-quality genetics
5 JUNE 2024, DE KWAKEL, THE NETHERLANDS – Packed with surprising novelties, improved genetics and new retail concepts, the Pot, Patio & Garden catalogue 2025 – 2026 of HilverdaFlorist is now available. As breeder and supplier, HilverdaFlorist is at the beginning of the supply chain. To serve the market in the best way possible, the company strives to develop varieties that are relevant, distinctive and add value to the entire market.
For Pot, Patio & Garden, HilverdaFlorist offers an assortment in Alstroemeria, Dianthus, Echinacea, Gerbera (indoor and garden), Helleborus and Salvia. All coming in their own brand series. From this year on, the HilverdaFlorist assortment will be presented in a combined catalogue covering both 2025 and 2026. Every other year, an intermediate issue will be published to share novelties and exits in the assortment. This development is in line with HilverdaFlorist\s innovative and sustainable view of the future.
New retail concepts
Remarkable this year in the catalogue, are four new branding concepts developed for retail. The already established garden Gerbera Garvinea® Series, Alstroemeria Inticancha® Series and Salvia Salgoon® Series got a new look and feel, to be seen in the designs of pots and labels, among others.
Besides these existing series, there is also a completely new product, with a stand-alone concept being introduced. With Dianthus Picture Perfect®, HilverdaFlorist offers a new strong Dianthus variety on the market, with attractive and unique branding concept. The launch of this brand will take place during FlowerTrials® in week 24. HilverdaFlorist looks forward to further establishing these concepts in the market together with growers and retail.
The 2025 – 2026 catalogue is fully packed with exciting novelties. From Garvinea® Sweet Chili – the first red with a black center within the series, to various Dianthus Sunflor® and Beauties® additions and five(!) bold Echinacea MOOODZ® colour additions and much more. Download the new catalogue here.
Visit FlowerTrials®
Be one of the first to see the HilverdaFlorist Pot, Patio & Garden introductions in full bloom during FlowerTrials® 2024. Visit the HilverdaFlorist show from June 11 – 14 and get to know the new assortment and branding concepts. Be amazed by the beauty of the extraordinary varieties as they unveil their unique and charming features in a colourful indoor and outdoor show. Our team looks forward to get into detail with you. Register now!

HilverdaFlorist focuses on breeding, propagation and the cultivation of young plants for a wide range of cut flowers, potted and garden plants. With a trusted, global network of subsidiaries, distribution partners and production locations, HilverdaFlorist offers local support and high-quality young plant material, suitable for every climate and ever-changing growing conditions. For more information about HilverdaFlorist and access to the new catalogues, visit: hilverdaflorist.com.